Universal Design for Learning: Special Education Project
January 5, 2009- May 21, 2010
Contact Teacher: Jenny McAlister
[email protected]

Most students with disabilities are included in all general education classes at Opelika Middle School and curriculum is modified or accommodations are made in order to ensure the success of these students in the general education curriculum. As we considered current practices and resolved to make changes that would improve education for ALL students at Opelika Middle School, two problems stood out:

1. Often general education teachers were planning and creating assessments and then asking special education teachers to make adjustments for their students afterwards.

2. Many students who did not have identified disabilities also needed accommodations and were not always getting these.

The following list of goals was created and then implemented in order to address the two problems listed above. The focus was two fold: (1)begin making changes in the 8th grade Science department, thus learning as we go what works and doesn't work so that we can share this with others, and (2)train the Special Education inclusion teachers in other grade levels so that the principles of UDL will spread school-wide.


Submit a request to purchase headphones or find headphones not being used around the school.
  • Found 8 sets of headphones for my classroom.
Send a list to the technology staff at central office, so that sites we need to implement UDL will not be blocked.
  • Rita Cunningham sent our list to the technology staff at central office.
  • Some sites continue to be blocked however, we have been able to save programs on a thumbdrive and load these onto our computers as needed.
Ask technology staff to update computers in my classroom with anything needed to run software for UDL tools.
  • Software was added to several computers in order to run the Book Share files.
  • Will run all updates over the summer and will add other programs.
  • Will send a list to the technology staff if needed.
Create a website to be used for the 8th grade Science department with tools, websites, and information about technology available for use by students.
  • This website has been created.
  • This site will be connected to our school website over the summer giving more people access to it.
Teacher Training
The four of us trained in UDL at our school will each train others. The special education department will be the responsibility of Jenny McAlister.
  • Training provided to the special education department during our regular monthly department meeting on April 19, 2010 on the principles of UDL and the many available tools.
  • I loaded CleverKeys and the Virtual Magnifier on all computers in the special education department and worked with individual teachers on how to use these.
  • Jenny McAlister-available for continual training and assistance as needed to the Special Education Department.
Teacher Training
Special educators will be directly involved in making regular curriculum UDL. The 8th grade Science department will be the first to implement UDL with the help of the 8th grade inclusion teacher, Jenny McAlister and the 8th grade Science Chairperson, Rita Cunningham.
  • The three 8th grade Science teachers and myself have began implementing many of the UDL tools and ideas into our planning and lessons.
  • Examples of lessons are on the TEACHER SUBMITTED main page.
  • Emphasis was on planning for ALL students up front rather than making accommodations after planning has taken place.
  • Focus was also on reducing barriers for students without labeled disabilities.
Seek a grant to purchase digital cameras, video camera, scanner, headphones, and computer mics. Ask if any BBSST or Title I funds are available to purchase any of the above requests.
  • Found computer mics around the school that can be used with laptop computers we currently have.
  • Seek a grant for next year for digital cameras and a video camera.
  • Able to utilize some scanners already in the special education department.
Administrative Training
Introduce administrators to the principles of UDL and enlist their support in implementing changes. Enlist their support for professional development, teacher training, and release time to do this training and implement other parts of this plan.
  • The four of us trained in UDL at Opelika Middle School presented the principles of UDL to the faculty and administrators on a professional development day, April 9, 2010. All administrators were present.
  • Administrators were supportive of all implementation of UDL principles during the 2009-2010 school year.
Parent Training
Present at technology night, April 13, 2010 introducing the principles of UDL and showing how we are implementing it in the classrooms, along with resources available to them at home.
  • Jenny McAlister presented the principles of UDL at technology night, April 13, 2010 to the parents of 8th graders.
  • Parents were able to see and experience several of the tools we are currently using including the Virtual Magnifier, CleverKeys, Cast Book Builder, and the Book Share program.
  • This website was given to parents as a resource for them to find other tools that their students might benefit from using.


The results of this project have exceeded expectations as it was the goal for this school year to simply integrate UDL in some way into the 8th grade Science Department curriculum and for the special education department to be trained in hopes of next year making a school-wide impact. The list below shows the far reaching results of this project:

1. 8th grade Science Department has been trained and are now using CAST Science Writer, CleverKeys, and the Virtual Magnifier. Teachers are also planning with the inclusion teacher, Mrs. McAlister, to create lessons that meet the needs of all students and are creating assessments with all students in mind without having to make accommodations or modifications after the fact. (Please see "Teacher Submitted" section for example lesson plans.)

2. 8th grade English Department is beginning to use the Strategy Tutor to create research projects for students with supports. We are also using BookShare audio books for a student with visual difficulties and for a few students with reading difficulties instead of traditional library books.

3. Teachers school-wide have been trained on the principles of UDL and have access to the list of tools on this website. Teachers school-wide are asking questions and trying many of the tools listed on this website. (Please see "Teacher Submitted-School-Wide Teaching Training" section for more information)

4. The Special Education Department,has been trained on the principles of UDL and have access to the list of tools on this website. They also have added CleverKeys and the Virtual Magnifier to all computers in their classrooms. As they plan with general education teachers now, they are beginning to suggest ways to include ALL students in the lesson and assessments.

5. Parents have been introduced to the principles of UDL and have access to the list of tools on this website. (Please see "Teacher Submitted- Parent/Technology Night" section for more information.)