Today's teachers are called upon to teach a range of students with various labels such as ESL, MR, SLD, ED, 504, and many others. We also have learners with varying reading levels and abilities, different learning styles, and emotional and behavioral needs. It is a monumental task at times. Universal Design for Learning helps teachers provide a curriculum to students with a wider variety of options to meet their diverse, individual needs.

With this task before us every day, we have set out to provide Opelika Middle School with information about the Universal Design for Learning Model. This website has been designed as a resource for classroom teachers who wish to integrate the principles of UDL (Universal Design for Learning) into their classrooms. The teachers who have designed this website are middle school teachers who teach in a variety of different areas: science, technology, physical education/health, and special education. It is our hope that this website will provide links to helpful tools, ideas, and information that will enhance the learning of ALL students.

Universal Design for Learning is based on 3 principles:

1. Multiple means of representation, to give learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge.

2. Multiple means of action and expression, to provide learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know.

3. Multiple means of engagement, to tap into learners' interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation.

Click on the UDL Info link above for more information on Universal Design for Learning.

Presented by Opelika Middle School 2009-2010:
1206 Denson Dr. Opelika, AL 36801

Teacher Contacts:
Rita Cunningham      [email protected] (Science Teacher)

Don Jones                     [email protected] (Physical Education/ Health Teacher)

Deborah Lindsey       [email protected] (Technology Teacher)

Jenny McAlister        [email protected] (Special Education Inclusion Teacher)

Webmaster: Jenny McAlister

Opelika Middle School Bulldogs